Friday, December 30, 2011

37 Weeks

I remember thinking at 30 weeks.. "wow, I don't think I could get much bigger.".....

I was wrong!

But luckily I've been comfortable and feeling great. Let the countdown to Baby D's birth begin!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dschaak Christmas

On Christmas Day we drove to Grand Forks to spend the day with the Dschaaks at the hotel. We had a great day of swimming, opening gifts and just hanging out having fun.

Love this picture of Parker!

Paige had to open the biggest present first

But surprise, there were just more wrapped boxes inside

Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa D

Showing Grandma and Grandpa all the gifts

Playing with the new toys


Paige going down the slide (like 50 times)

Tired after swimming, thank goodness for technology (notice Parker is watching a movie on the Kindle while playing a game on Chas's phone)

 The next day we went to the water park for more swimming:

I think fun was had by all! Merry Christmas to everyone, we hope you all had as wonderful of a holiday as we did!

Cermak Christmas

Christmas Eve was spent with the Cermaks this year. I wasn't going to travel too far at 36 weeks so Christmas came to my house.  Luckily mom took over all the cooking - so I had a very nice relaxing day.

 The boys rocking it out

Making Star Wars pancakes 

Opening Gifts 

Jerit and Grandpa playing with Jerit's new Nerf gun

Grandma Rose

Clint and Paige's matching sweaters

 And Santa even came on Christmas morning

What a great holiday!

Creative Christmas Gift

Here's the only creative thing I made for Christmas (of course it was an idea I found on Pintrest). On the Cermak side we exchange "creative" gifts instead of regular presents between my siblings.

This year I made these:

Supplies: styrofoam cones (12" & 18"), scrapbooking paper, hot glue gun, felt, buttons/decorations

Scrapbooking paper cut in 1" x 2.5" pieces and rolled up with a pencil

Glued on the tree

and finished.

Warning: They turned out cute... But it took 7 hours to make these 4!! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Props to the Creative

Baby D has got some special gifts that were made by some very talented people. Wanted to give some extra props to those who spent so much time making a special gift for baby.

Cross stitched by baby's Great Grandma Cermak

Blankets and burp clothes made by baby's Grandma Dschaak (and I hear this is just the start)

Made by baby's Grandma Cermak

Made by baby's Great Aunt Char

Wish I knew how to sew! Thanks everyone!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby Shower #2

I had another wonderful baby shower this weekend put on my by my sisters - Chas and Nikki. They did an amazing job with all of the Christmas decorations, food and theme ideas for my Santa Baby shower.

I know that they put in a lot of time, work and thought to make this day so special for me and Baby Dschaak and I can't thank them enough. It was perfect! - If you need a party planned you really should contact them!

Thank you so much to everyone who came to celebrate with us. I am extremely lucky to have such great family and friends who could come and enjoy the day with us. The only thing missing was Grandma Dschaak, who was missed, but hopefully was enjoying the warm Arizona weather!

And as always, everyone was way too generous!! This isn't even everything (as I got some late gifts sent and delivered after I took this). But a huge thank you to everyone. I'm thinking this baby should have everything he or she needs now.  Well... I hope so anyways as I honestly have no idea what all a baby really needs?!? Guess I will find out soon enough :-)