Sunday, July 31, 2011

Telling the Cermaks

Getting the Cermaks all together at one time was a little more challenging. After a few failed attempts we decided we would have to tell them all separately since we wanted to tell them in person.

For the Bryan's (Shell & Tom), Tiff went to the cities for Paige's (my new sister-in-law) bachelorette party. I had bought t-shirts for the boys (Jerit and Blake) and put them in gift bags with some other gifts I had gotten for them.

Jerit pulled the shirt out but just threw it aside, as all normal children do, but he was excited about the new cars I had bought for him.

Here they are opening them up... (I love the shocked look on Shell's face).

In their shirts:

Now Jerit is super excited for his first cousin!

Then we finally got to tell Grandma and Grandpa Cermak. We went to go see the new house that they just bought in McKenzie. After visiting for a while I said I had to go to the car to get their housewarming gift. I brought it in and this is what it was:

Mom unwrapped it and starred at it for a quite a while (I think in shock).. the she said "Oh, I have to show your dad." There was a lot of excitement and then we all went out to eat to celebrate with Grandma Rose too.

Clint and Paige got the news over supper at Applebee's. We were chatting about the bachelorette party that was a few weekends before and how I missed the last bar they went to because I was tired. Clint was making fun of me for being a party pooper and Chad chimed in with "Well maybe she was because she is pregnant." It was fun to see their surprised reactions.

So looks like all the family is excited and ready to have a new baby join the family :-)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Breaking the News to the Dschaaks

I admit that I had a lot of fun thinking of ways to surprise our family about us expecting. I had all these "perfect" plans in my head, but of course they didn't really go how I expected...

First we told the Dschaak's because we were all home together and we thought it was a perfect opportunity to tell the whole family at one time. I had bought these stuffed animals for Paige and Parker that were recordable and thought I would have Paige talk into the recorder saying she was going to be a big cousin and then take it over to the family and play it for them. When a good opportunity came I took Paige aside for her surprise I had been telling her about all day. I gave her the stuffed animal (a unicorn) and told her that Auntie Tiff had a baby in her belly and I needed her help to surprise Grandma and Grandpa (and the rest of the family). She looked at me and flat out said "no thanks." I said "please I need a special helper to tell them" and she replied "you can just tell them yourself."

So after several minutes of trying to convince her, I finally realized it wasn't going to happen. I had a little moment of panic about what I was going to do now but then asked Paige if she could keep my special secret for a while and I recorded my own voice on Parker's animal (a monkey) and put it in a box to open with the rest of his presents (we were celebrating his 2nd birthday that weekend in Beulah). Paige really didn't say yes or no to if she wouldn't tell but grabbed her stuffed animal and ran into the house. She ran right past everyone; not saying a single word to anyone.

So, Parker's present opening time came after he woke up from his nap and Parker opened all his gifts except the one. The last box, that was unwrapped, had the monkey and a note that said squeeze me in it. Parker was enjoying riding his new bike so Paige helped him to open it. She squeezed the monkey, but no one could hear it and asked what it said. Paige yelled out "It said... Auntie Tiff has a baby in her belly and I'm going to be a big cousin."

So although it wasn't as I planned, it turned out even better with Paige's help!

But she quickly was over the excitement of a new cousin and wanted to get to the next entertainment - breaking the pinata that we had for Parker's birthday party.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I have to take one post to talk about our current baby and king of the Dschaak household. This is Ziggy! He's our 4 year old Bichon-Lhasa Apso.

If you know us, then you know that Ziggy is a very spoiled puppy. 

But he deserves it all because he is the best dog I know.

Currently he's trying to catch up on his sleep before the baby comes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

It's Time

Well...I think it's time to start a blog!!! I really enjoy looking at everyone else's blogs and seeing updates on everyone's families. Although I know I won't be as creative as other family members, I will do my best and at least I can post some pictures on here, including a lot as a result of this....

Yup, if you haven't heard, Chad and I are having a baby!!! Estimated arrival is January 19th, 2012. We are nervous but very excited. Luckily, we have some great people to give us lots of tips on being good parents.

So although I will warn you in advance that I'm not a very good writer; here is the start of documenting our journey to parenthood (and eventually printing it as a baby book for Baby D).