Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Advice: Marry Well!

I love my husband but the last couple weeks I've realized how lucky you are when you marry into a great family too! Grandma and Grandpa D have been here for the last week and a half and have been wonderful to us!!

Not only do they watch our daughter all day while we are at work (and at night after we get home) but they clean, do laundry, cook, mow the lawn, pack, sew, do the dishes, fix stuff around the house... the list is really endless. I think they get more done in one day then I got done all of my maternity leave.

And Leah is just loving having them around.. she lights up and smiles instantly when they come over to her.

So, I have no idea what it is like to have those bad in-laws so many people talk about.. because mine are AMAZING!!

Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa!!

All Dressed Up and No Place To Go