Wednesday, October 26, 2011

2nd Trimester

As predicted the 2nd trimester has been a lot better than the 1st. I have felt great! I had a lot more energy but unfortunately that still doesn't make up for my normal laziness. Here are the exciting events that have happened in trimester #2.

  • I first felt the baby move at 18 weeks (just a few days before our US)
  • Baby has been kicking like crazy ever since
  • Daddy still hasn't got to feel the baby kick, every time he touches my stomach he/she stops instantly - not sure what that's as sign of... I told Chad it probably means the baby doesn't like him :-)
  • Had our ultrasound on August 25th at exactly 19 weeks
  • Baby went on his/her first vacation (in the womb) on our trip to the Bahamas
  • Found out what true pregnancy cravings were and have ate way too many of these:
  • Yum!

  • Rocked out at the baby's first concert... Rick Springfield. Guess if it is a boy we might have to call him Jessie.
And now I am in total shock that it is onto the 3rd trimester. Time has flown by and I'm sure that this last trimester will too.