Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Karlee - Two Months Old

Time is going by fast and our little girl is 2 months old already. You're a big, healthy, happy little girl and it's been so fun to have you be smiley and more interactive the last month. You are still is a great baby... honestly, you are so good. Sometimes I feel bad because you are so content just sitting by yourself or napping during the day.

Here's a few tidbits about this 2 month old:

  • You are still a great eater. You remain pretty consistent with eating but now you randomly will go 4 hours in between feeds 
  • You are an excellent sleeper!! You always have at least a 5 hour stretch a night and then usually a 3 or 4 hour stretch. And you eat, burp, get your diaper changed and go back to bed when you do get up. A few nights you have even made it 6 hours (7/1/14 was the first time you made it that long but of course that night Leah had to get up in the middle of the night - which she never does! Figures :-). But, this is one lucky mommy who is getting a good amount of sleep
  • You had your first bottle of breast milk on 6/25/14 which was fed to you by daddy

  • You've started trying to grab onto things like your blankets or other things around you
  • You are a squirmer... you are always waving around your arms and legs when you are awake
  • You LOVE bath time. I think you would sit in there all night. You have never cried in the bathtub even if you get water on your face, which happens frequently because you can't take a bath without your sister jumping in with you. Leah loves taking baths with you. But you always cry when mommy takes you out. You don't like coming out of the bath at all.
  • You are still pretty gassy and with that kind of stinky :-) Sometimes your little toots wake you up from sleeping even
  • You've started following people with your eyes and watching things like the birdies on your swing
  • You smile SO much more now. We get smiles every day and you have a beautiful smile!
  • You had your first time of spitting up. But it was just one day and you haven't really done it since
  • Leah fed you a bottle for the first time on 7/7/14
  • You only poop like once a day or once every other day
  • You like to be held upright, you love sitting and best of you all you love when someone walks around holding you so you can look around. 
  • You still randomly have a crabby period at about 8 p.m. but it's not as bad and most of the time doesn't last very long
  • You've starting cooing (talking) to us a little... not much yet but a couple times that have been so cute
  • You are really strong with holding your neck up and with your legs. Even the doctor commented how strong you were at your 2 month appointment
  • You still really like your paci
  • You still love your swing and take frequent naps there and you love laying on your lamb
  • Your hiccups have pretty much resolved, you barely get them now
  • You are in 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers - yeah you are topping the charts 
  • Your eyes are still a greyish color, not sure what they will turn out as
  • You had your first mini vacation to the cities and you were such a good girl the whole long weekend

Here you were at 1 month:

And here you are at 2 months:

We love you so much!!