Friday, February 10, 2012

Two Weeks Old

Leah and I made it through our first week at home alone!

Here's what our days have consisted of:

Mornings are Leah's awake time. She is usually up and looking around from about 6:30 to 11am.

Then time for a nap in the swing. Leah loves her swing.

Then Mom and Leah like to hang out. Looks like we were watching The Voice.

Tummy Time

Guess she is hungry

And back to napping again

Ziggy and Leah love to take naps together! Here they are waiting for Daddy to get home.

The days are flying by fast. I haven't got much done around the house yet... but that's my goal for next week. :-) We are getting into more of a routine now, so that's good and we are still loving spending every minute together!