Wednesday, April 3, 2013

She Exercises Too

Leah utilizes her gym membership with her Auntie Chas. Chas picks her up and takes her for walks (and runs), stretching and playing with the exercise ball.

I'm glad someone is showing her the good influence of exercise (cuz her mom and dad sure aren't) and it's been awesome since the weather outside has been so icky! 

Thanks Auntie Chas... Leah LOVES her workout days! And I think these pics are adorable!

More details of her extensive workouts (from Auntie Chas):
Its a blast every time! Leah is very polite and says Hi to each and every person we pass on the track...most people hear it multiple times because we like to pass them more than once. She is adjusting to dancing in the stroller although I can tell she would rather be on her feet! Her stretching and downward dog pose is improving and soon we will try more difficult moves for increased flexibility. Leah's track run time is a bit slow and wobbly (she tends to get out of her track lines)...mostly because she is busy looking at everyone else. I am excited for our upcoming outside times and can't wait to update you on Ziggy's cardio skills! I am also a very lucky auntie!!!! Love Chas
