Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Highlights of the First Trimester

I really can't complain about the first trimester too much. Baby #2 has made me much sicker than Leah ever did. With Leah I would be sick in the morning but then would be fine for the rest of the day. This baby likes to make mommy sick a little more often than that.

But really, everything is going well and just hoping this little guy/girl is getting big and strong.

Here are  few highlights from the 1st Trimester:
  • First signs of pregnancy - being tired
  • Day we found out pregnant - September 10th, 2013
  • Due date for Baby #2 - May 20th
  • Daddy found out by mom leaving the test in the bathroom for him to find after work. Mom thought he would go up and see it right away but apparently he didn't need to go to the bathroom that night. Mom ended up having to ask him to go up to the bathroom and get her something before he saw it.
  • Daddy's first words when he found out: "Congrats. That's why you were acting so weird."
  • Morning sickness started: 6 weeks
  • Morning sickness continues 
  • Mommy is very exhausted. We are very lucky to have daddy to help with the cooking and taking care of Leah
  • Mom isn't really hungry for too much lately
  • Leah points to her belly and says "my baby"
  • Trying to get Leah acquainted with the new baby - so far she loves to kiss the baby (aka mommy's belly) but don't think she has any idea what's in there (or what's to come :-) 

Let the 2nd trimester begin!!!