Sunday, August 5, 2012

Parade and Surprise Birthday Party

Last Saturday we thought we were just going to enjoy a parade with the family...

It was a beautiful, sunny morning..
 The kids were all excited...

 And ready to get lots of candy..

That alone would have been a great day.

But, then the day got even better because we were surprised with a super fun 'Hawaian themed' 6 Month Birthday party for a special little girl.

In her very own hula skirt

Yummy beach cupcakes

The birthday girl got a little crabby (it was nap time), but luckily she had some helpers for opening gifts

Which was good because she was very spoiled.

And then there was even a volunteer to try them out for her :-) I'm sure he was testing it for her safety.

Thanks Wixo's and Dschaak's for a very special day!!!