Thursday, September 27, 2012

8 Months Old

We just love you so much! You bring so much joy to our lives and I don't know what we would do without you.

It's been another exciting month for you. Here are the updates:
  • You eat 3 meals a day most days. Usually a fruit and oatmeal in the morning and a veggie and cereal in the afternoon and either a fruit or veggie at night. You've had most of the stage 2 baby foods.
  • You got over your dislike for fruits. Now you will eat just about anything.
  • You tasted formula for the first time this month and you really like it. We are rotating between bottles of breastmilk or formula for the last 2 weeks.
  • You love eating crackers!
  • We are still working on the sippy cup. Some days you do pretty good with it. It's just hard for you to figure out to lift it up when you are sitting up.  
  • You only have your 2 lower teeth.
  • Your trick this month is you can wave and try to say "bye bye." You are getting pretty good at it. This week you have waved bye-bye to the other kids everyday when I picked you up from daycare.
  • You started to army crawl. You can get up to a regular crawl and hold yourself there but then you just flop back on your belly again. You get almost anywhere you want by rolling, army crawling and stretching.
  • You can get from lying on your back to sitting all by yourself.
  • You still love to stand.
  • You are funny when you sleep - you lay on your side with your feet up against the side of the crib.
  • But, you still don't sleep through the night :-(
  • Your favorite things to play with are markers (to chew on) and balls.
  • It's sad that it is getting colder now. We are really going to miss going outside. At least we still have bath time which you love. 
  • You are wearing 6-9 and some 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • You still talk up a storm. You love to say da da.
  • You have been sick a bit this month. Nothing bad, no fevers. But you've had a cough and runny nose.
  • You have the most beautiful smile.  

Here you are at 7 Months:

And 8 Months Old: