Friday, May 23, 2014

First Time in Her Crib

Ready for bed

 She looks so little in this big crib

Nighty, Night!

Home Sweet Home

Mom, Dad and Karlee were very ready to get out of the hospital and go home. We got up bright and early and were packed and ready to leave the hospital by 8 a.m. Unfortunately, because of waiting to take this hospital pic, we didn't get out as quickly as we wanted.

But we did get home in the morning and were so happy to be home sweet home and begin our life as our sweet family at 4.5 (the .5 is Ziggy of course :-)

 All dressed up and ready to go home. Paige picked out this coming home outfit for Karlee. 

First time in her car seat

Leah and Ziggy were very excited to have Karlee home


Just couldn't pick my favorite of these two snuggling 

Our sweet little Karlee.. love this picture 

Our visitors at home.

The kids were all laughing with Grandpa at Talking Tom. 

Leah is totally in awe that Karlee is finally out of mommy's belly. She even talks about how baby Karlee came from mommy's belly so she put it all together right away... and was prepared to have her baby sister home. She's just great with her. 

Ziggy has been great with Karlee too. He came over and gave her a smell and since then it's like he has always know she is a part of our family. He doesn't bug her and I'm never worried when he is around her. He's just a great puppy!

My fabulous co-workers stopped by to meet Karlee, chat and catch me up with what I had missed in the day I've been gone. I knot it's sad but I'm going to miss work. Especially chatting with these ladies every day!

A few snapshots of the day

Dschaak cousins

Our friends Jeremy and Heather also stopped by with their boys. It was so nice to have them over. Sorry I missed a picture with Heather and Karlee.