Friday, July 27, 2012

6 Months Old!!

I can hardly believe that a half a year has past with you in our lives. Your smiles light up a room and we couldn't love you any more!

 Here's some of things you've learned in the last 6 months:
  • You are eating about 6-7oz bottles at a time of breastmilk. You started cereal a few weeks ago and LOVE it. You have it once per day at about 7pm. The only real food we've done so far is squash.. you weren't so sure about that one.
  • You came back from Grandma and Grandpa's and learned how to blow and spit food out, you think it is hilarious... thanks for that one guys :-)
  • On July 4th, we realized you could sit by yourself, you were still a little wobbly. Now, you sit like a champ. It's daily that mom walks away and you will just sit on the floor and play with your toys
  • You love your toys... it's so fun to watch you throw them, drop them and try to figure out what each of them can do
  • You reach for your toys now after you throw them and are good at getting them back. This also means you reach for most everything and usually get it before mom catches you.
  • You still love outside.
  • You love water and swimming. We've gone swimming a couple of times this month and I think it might be your favorite thing to do.
  • I thought you were done with your screaming last month, but.. I was wrong!! I think that you are done with it now though as...
  • You can say words. I've heard "ma ma", "mu mu", "da da", "na na", etc. I don't really call any of them your first words and you are just babbling. But it SO much nicer than the screaming!!
  • Laying in the tub is no more. You like to sit up and watch your toys float around.
  • You are doing better at sleeping. You are always really easy to put to sleep and most nights you only get up one time now.
  • Most nights you roll over and sleep on your belly.
  • Occasionally you reach out your arms for someone to lift you up.
  • You are still wearing 3-6 month clothes (but probably not for long) and in size 2 diapers
  • I think you might be going ot have blonde hair it's still getting lighter. Plus, it's 6 months and you still have your pretty blue eyes! I will stop commenting on them now.
  • You still love to smile.
  • You're the best thing that ever happened to us (you and Ziggy of course :-)
Last month - 5 Months:

And now 6 months old: