Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July Fun

We had a great 4th of July for Karlee's first one; however, the weather didn't really want to cooperate with us. We decided to head to Detroit Lakes to spend the day at the public beach. You can see from Karlee's face in the swimsuit picture -- she was thinking this wasn't a very smart idea. It started out okay but it got windy, really windy. So we packed up and headed to the park to play. We played at the park, met Chas for a bit before heading back home. We hung out around the house and then did our very limited fireworks - snakes, snaps and poppers. Leah wasn't so sure about those snakes come from nothing, so she kept running away from them. That night, we had a great fireworks show that we were able to watch from the window. Lots around us and it was lucky we could watch from our window because then it started raining. Daddy and Leah braved the rain outside for a bit but after a while it was time for bed for all. A great family day and 1st 4th for Karlee!