Friday, March 9, 2012

Our Day with Paige

Yesterday we got to spend the whole day with Paige because she didn't have school. We were supposed to spend today with her too but Parker was under the weather so they both had to stay home.

Thanks for a great day Paige. Leah had a blast with you and we can't wait for you to come over again soon to make up for today!

Paige brought toys to share with Leah

Ziggy missed Paige too

Doing crafts together

What a great big cousin!

Notice Leah is sleeping with a barbie, Paige's blanket and a friendship bracelet :-)


Paige watched her for a while...

And then decided playing computer was more fun

Rest time

We also went into town to McDonalds and for some toy shopping.
What a fun day we had!!