Monday, December 29, 2014

Fort Mohave - Day 6


It was a long night and I'll never forget how I felt that night but thanks to some wonderful caring people, Ziggy was found around 11 am the next day. It was so much in part to social media, Nikki's Casselton friends, Corey's family, Chas's friends, our friends and random people who went out to look for him.

A man we didn't know had heard about him missing and went out to drive around Casselton to see if he could find him. He saw him in a field between Casselton and Fargo and called me right away. We called people who were still out searching and between 3 different cars of people they cornered him and got him safely. He went right the vet and from being out all night in -20 degree weather, all he had was 1 cut on his paw. Talk about relief that we felt at that moment when we found out he was found and okay. We are so grateful for that wonderful man that found him and for everyone that helped find him.

But after that horrible incident, he was back safe and being watched by Corey's family and we could go on and enjoy our vacation!! This day we were in the backyard a lot of the day. It was warm and sunny so we just sat and chatted and had a nice day enjoying company and the weather. Nodland's also came over and chatted for a bit so we got to see them and ended the day with a nice family picture.

Our safe and sound Ziggy: