Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our Girls - 9 Months

A comparison shot of Leah and Karlee at 9 months old...

Karlee 9 Month Old Pictures

Our sweetie is 9 months old already... growing up so fast and look at these cute pictures she took.

Karlee - 9 Months Old

You are officially on the move. You are crawling all over, getting into everything and always wanting to be pulling up on something. Pictures weren't as easy as last month, you wanted to play more than smile but you are making our life exciting and we cherish the moments with you.

Some things about month 9:
  • You are eating lots of finger food at night. You still have baby food during the day (fruit in the morning and veggies at lunch) but you like to try to pick stuff up. A lot gets on the chair but you are getting better.
  • Your favorite foods are your mum mums, crackers, deli meat, hash browns, noodles and cheese (like your mom and Leah).
  • You love to drop food on the floor for Ziggy to eat.
  • You always hold your own bottle now.
  • We are almost done with breastmilk, only a little bit left to use.
  • Still working on your sippy cup. You can do okay with it sometimes but not that great yet.
  • You only have your 2 bottom teeth.
  • You love to clap. You clap for Leah, you clap for Ziggy and mostly you clap for yourself.
  • You always want to stand. You are trying to pull yourself up on everything (especially us).
  • The other day I caught you after you had climbed up the first 2 steps... oops... lucky you didn't fall down them. You were pretty proud of yourself.
  • February 3, 2015 was your first day to crawl and now you are getting around where you want. The gate is now up and we have to keep a closer eye on you.
  • You've been so good at going to sleep on your own and sleeping through the night.. then mommy was gone for a work trip during the end of the month and you didn't want to sleep for daddy. It took a few days to get back into the routine but now you are sleeping through the night again, hopefully to continue.
  • You have been pretty crabby at night. It's sure keeping mom and dad on our toes. You are perfect, if you get constant attention :-)
  • You take 2 naps a day.
  • We had to put your crib down to the lowest setting because you now sit up in there and try to pull yourself out when you are mad.
  • You've had a really running nose and you HATE getting your noise wiped.
  • You also still HATE getting dressed, you scream every single time.
  • You are making more noises but nothing that sounds like anything yet.
  • The word 'no' makes you laugh and I think makes you want to do whatever more.
  • You still have everything go in your mouth.
  • Balls are your favorite toy. You play a pretty good catch, you love it and are starting to try to throw a little.
  • You also love to play with necklaces, especially when you can put them in your mouth.
  • You love to dance - your favorite song is "All about the Bass". It's so cute how you start to shake when it's on.
  • You are wearing size 12 clothes and size 3 diapers still.
  • I think you have a big head, some of your other clothes would fit better if we could get it over your head.
  • You have developed your own feisty personality. You love to scream and love to have constant attention but we understand and we love being around you. You still have the most beautiful smile that makes up for it every time.
 8 Months Old:

 Our Big 9 Month Old: