Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our New Ride

Guess I'm officially a mom.... with potential to be a 'soccer mom'

Don't be too jealous :-) 

Four Month Appointment

Today we had Leah's 4 month appointment. She was such a tough little girl. She cried after her shots but only for like 5 seconds and then she was fine. And she's been in a good mood all night so far, so I think we got lucky with this round of shots.
Here's your stats (you're getting tall):

Wt - 15 lbs 7oz (Wt for length - 50th percentile,

Wt for age - 80th percentile)

Ht - 25.5 inches (90th percentile)

Head - 42 cm (75th percentile)

The perfect shirt for a day at the doctor: