Thursday, June 5, 2014

Two Weeks Old

Karlee is growing up so fast... can't believe it's already been two weeks since she was born. She's still been such a good baby which has made mommy and daddy's life much easier.

Here's some things about our two week old:

She still loves her swing and likes to both sleep in there and just sit and look around

We get lots of time resting on mommy

Both Leah and Mommy Love taking pictures of our little cutie

We do tummy time throughout the day

Her cord clamp fell off at 8 days old

Karlee and Leah love hanging out together, especially taking nap time together

  • She still is a very consistent eater and stirs from sleeping at about 2 hours 40 minutes and is ready to eat about every 3 hours. So far this has made planning for things a lot easier.
  • She's a great burper... they are loud and often
  • Your neck is much stronger now and you can hold your head up really well (for a short time)
  • Her eyes are a grey color right now, not sure what color they will end up but they seem to be getting lighter from when she was first born
  • She loves snuggling and being swaddled tight
  • Her fussy time is around 8 or 9 p.m. and it takes her a while to get settled down before bed but once that happens she has been sleeping pretty well
  • She slept for a 5.5 hour stretch one night
  • Grandma C came up and stayed with us for a few days - thanks so much Grandma!
  • Went on our first outing when she was 8 days old - went to a garage sale and went to Leah's graduation party at daycare

We just love spending every day with our Karlee! It's been such a fun couple of weeks having her in our family.

Karlee's 2 Week Appt

Karlee went in for her 2 week appointment today. You are just perfect, growing so big already and healthy and that's all we could ask for.
Here are your 2 weeks stats:
Length-for-age - 21 in (83.5%)
Weight-for-age - 9 lbs 9 oz (89.7%)
Head - 14.5 in (93%)
Here is what you were when you were born:
Length-for-age - 21 in
Weight-for-age - 8 lbs 2 oz
Head - 13.8 in

 After the appointment Leah even got to go play at the play area in the mall.

 And Karlee slept, exhausted from her appointment.

Potty Trained - She Did It!!

Today marks 3 full days with zero potty accidents so we are calling it officially potty trained!

We are so proud of you Leah!!! Such a BIG girl!!
