Monday, August 27, 2012

7 Months Old

Love our little 7 month old!

Here's what is new this month:
  • You are eating pretty random throughout the day. You eat veggies or fruit at night and we are starting you out eating cereal in the morning this week. So, you will be eating 2 times a day.
  • You've made it through all the stage 1 veggies.
  • You hate all fruits so far. We've had bananas, apples, prunes and peaches and you haven't liked any of them yet. You like veggies or cereal a lot better.
  • You have also started eating some puffs. You seem to like those.
  • Your favorite thing about meal time is playing with the spoon, especially banging it on your tray. You also like sucking on the washcloth afterwards.
  • You do okay with your sippy cup. You can get stuff out of it but aren't very good at holding it on your own.
  • Just yesterday your two lower teeth popped through - both on the same day.
  • This also means everything goes to your mouth.
  • You LOVE to stand now. Sitting is only good for so long and then you want up to stand.
  • Playing with toys usually involves turning the toy box over and having the toys all over the floor.
  • You love to play with any kind of paper.
  • You sleep mostly on your side now. The last 2 nights I've let you sleep with a blanket and you have slept awesome!! If that's the trick we will keep it up :-)
  • You roll all over on the floor but prefer to be on your back rather than your belly. You don't have much interest in crawling yet.
  • Your favorite toys right now are your standing piano and your singing mirror.
  • You are a pretty smiley girl but you definitely have an attitude. You like things your way and love to have everyone's full attention!
  • You starting screaming when adults leave the room, especially mom.. boo!
  • Outside is your favorite place to be.
  • You are wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • You moved into your new house this month!!

Last month - 6 Months:

And our big 7 Month Old: