Friday, May 22, 2015

Karlee - 1 Year Old

We made it!

As we woke up on your birthday morning, that was the thought that came through mommy's head. Not because we haven't loved every minute of being with you and watching you grow. But.. as we hit 1 year old thinking back it has been a year of sleep deprivation, learning new things, finding out who you are as a little person and seeing what works and doesn't work for you.

It has been a great year and we couldn't be more excited about the little girl you are becoming. You are smart, loving, have the best smile and are perfect for our family.

Here are some things about you as you turn 1 years old:

  • You are a good eater and eat pretty much anything mom, dad and Leah eat. Your favorite foods are mac and cheese, ramen noodles, fruits, bread, turkey, french fries, crackers, puffs and you recently had cheetos and you LOVED them.
  • You are done with your bottles - we threw them away and it's been awesome. You only drink out of a sippy cup. You had 2 tough nights figuring it out without it before going to bed, but besides that it was an easy transition. The best part for mom has been that the counter is clean.
  • You try to drink from a regular cup but don't do great with it, you think it's a game and spit it all out
  • You are drinking only milk now - we took a few weeks to transition and now have started with whole but the doctor said you can be on any milk now. That transition went well too.
  • Your first top tooth came out 4/25 and the second one was shortly after. You have 4 teeth now.
  • You talk lots more now... still your favorite word by far is da da and you know who you are talking to because you use it appropriately when you see daddy. You also say hi, ziggy, leah , yeah  and others. You try to copy what others say.
  • You love to shake your head back and forth to dance.
  • You play a good game of tug of war with Ziggy, he loves it
  • You know where your clothes go and you try to help put them on. Your socks, shoes, shirts and pants. You still HATE getting dressed and cry every time but you do help out sometimes.
  • You also know where the brush goes and how to brush those 4 teeth
  • On 4/29/15 you took your first real steps all on your own. At 1 year old you are standing on your own and taking about 5 steps on your own. So you can walk. It's really, really cute. You still fall a lot but you don't mind, you love the independence you have. Little did we know that a few days after 1 you would be walking all over the place.
  • You like putting things in boxes/containers and taking them back out
  • You LOVE your little people dolls, you will hold them all day long if we let you. You carry 1 in each hand and if you aren't holding a little people in your hand, then you usually have a ball
  • You can get the dresses of Leah's magic clip dolls, that really bugs her because you can't get them back on
  • You're able to hold a color to do a small amount of coloring on paper
  • You learned to put your hand on your mouth and go "oh" "oh" "oh"
  • You got a book with your family members for your birthday so we are staring on them next and on you learning your body parts
  • You love to feed Ziggy from your high chair (he loves it too) but along with that you are in the stage where you throw food on the ground and laugh and want us to pick it up
  • You can blow kisses
  • Leah calls you "Karlee monster"
  • You have a great giggle, you love to get tickled and laugh a lot now
  • You aren't interested in tv at all yet
  • You sleep through the night almost every night
  • Your favorite toys: Your ariel car (you just started loving it a lot lately since you can climb on it by yourself), still balls - you love any type of ball, blocks
  • You also love riding down the roller coaster and being pushed in the red and yellow car
  • You are really enjoying being outside more lately
  • You HATE your life jacket, we have tried multiple ones and multiple times and you cry the whole time you are wearing it. Guess mom won't get many pontoon rides this summer
  • Speaking of climbing, you love climbing on things and try to get up on everything. You are pretty good at it and are quite the dare devil. You walk cautiously but you climb on everything
  • You do have a temper when you get mad... you will scream and when you are really mad you will throw your head back on the floor
  • Your sign of when you are tired is still that you rub your ears
  • You love putting necklaces on
  • You love Leah's praying song, you smile and laugh every night at supper when she sings it
  • Your hair keeps getting lighter, still brown but lighter and you have brown eyes. Mommy sees some blue around the edge of them in the sun - but daddy thinks I'm crazy
  • You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
  • We love, love, love you!!!

At 11 months:

 And our BIG 1 Year Old (and the very last of these sticker pictures for the Dschaaks):

Leah's First Fish

Leah caught her first fish!!

Family Pictures 2015

It's not always fun but we got it done!