Friday, January 3, 2014

Day at Busch Gardens

We spent one of the days of our vacation at Busch Gardens. Unfortunately, it was slightly chilly in FL that day but we felt bad saying anything like that since back at home it was blizzarding and REALLY cold.

Here are some photos of our day.

 Some of the shows weren't running because of the weather and they couldn't bring all the animals out. But they could bring out the cats, dogs and birds :-)

Sesame Street Show

 Leah loved all the rides, she could have stayed there all day


During this train ride was when the day got slightly interesting because Leah ended up peeing on mommy, who then had to go by some new pants to wear. All that was available was PJ pants so I spent the rest of the day walking around the park in PJ pants. Oh well... memories! 

Treats from Grandma and Grandpa

All wore out...