Thursday, December 27, 2012

11 Months Old

What? You are going to take my picture??

Only 1 more of these posts left after this one. It is hard to believe how fast the time is flying by.. you are going to be 1 year old before we know it.

You continue to learn so many new things. Here ya go:
  • You love eating with your fingers. We haven't really found a food that you refuse to eat. Your favorites are meats, crab and noodles.
  • Your two front teeth have popped through. It is still hard to see them and you HATE when I try to look in your mouth but they should be all the way in soon.
  • You love to copy sounds and actions now. Again, we must be careful what we say because you try to repeat things.
  • You giggle more now. You love playing with daddy whether he is throwing you in the air or you are climbing on him on the floor. He makes you giggle more than anyone else.
  • You continue to have a temper. You want things your way. If we say no - you scream. If we take something away - you scream. I hope you learn that you don't always get what you want soon :-)
  • We are constantly fighting over the stairs. You want to go up, we tell you 'no', you scream and go up anyway and we go over and take you down off the stairs and tell you 'no' again. We can do this 10+ times in a row. You are persistent.
  • You found the kitchen cupboards and you always want to open them up and see what's inside!
  • You are getting better at standing, you can pull yourself up on anything and especially like pull yourself up on people's legs. You can make it for 15+ seconds standing by yourself. You took your first steps and I'm sure more walking is soon to come.
  • You are a mommy's girl. Daddy makes you giggle but you come to mommy most of the time and of course especially when you are crabby. You try to push yourself off daddy's chest when you don't want him to hold you and you are getting pretty strong.
  • You love to listen to yourself talk, jabber and scream. Daycare told me the other day that they always can tell when Leah is awake, that's probably not a good thing.
  • Your favorite toys are pens and old school (like when I was a kid) little people. You will carry them all over the place and won't let go.
  • You started to dance more this month. It is precious. You hear a song and you move your head back and forth or bounce up and down or head bang. So cute.
  • I know all parents probably think this at some point but I truly think you are just a LOUD child. I guess from the above comment, daycare thinks so too :-)
  • You like to pay fetch with Ziggy but he gets frustrated with you because you don't throw the toys very far. But, you are getting good at playing catch and throwing balls.
  • Yo Gabba Gabba gets your attention on tv now. But still only for a few minutes.
  • You are in 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • You still love to clap and many times during the day a good applause is heard.
  • We made it 3 days in a row sleeping through the night and that was awesome!! Now off and on you will go a day or 2 days sleeping all the way through but 3 days is still our record. It's not hard to get up with you and it is only once on the nights you don't sleep through.
  • You celebrated your first Christmas and were completely spoiled.
  • You have made this the best year ever for us!! What a great 2012 this has been! We love you so much!

A look back at 10 months:

And here you are at 11 months: