Sunday, November 4, 2012


Leah's first Halloween was a success. She had fun trick-or-treating (to the one house we went to), giving out candy and even kept her costume on for the whole evening.

Here's our sweet little lady bug...

Skyping with Grandmas and Grandpas:
Our one trick-or-treating stop - Uncle Clint and Aunt Paige's:
A Mermaid and Captain America stopped by our house:

The best Halloween gift - Who Loves Leah book:
And ready for bed:
We hope everyone had a great Halloween!

9 Month Photos

9 month pics were a quick effort this month. I wanted to get some but I'm waiting for her year pictures to take more time to get some really good shots. Plus, with Leah crawling now.. pictures are getting really hard to do. These aren't edited because my computer was down last week and I lost my editing software when it got rebooted.

It was kind of a mess this month :-)



Leah and Ziggy both watched these guys for over a half hour. The pics are hard to see but it is a flock of geese at the pond in our backyard.



Well... getting a picture of these kiddos together wasn't easy. Especially with Leah being about 2 hours overdue for a nap. But, here are few shots of the Cermak cousins.
Jerit loved picture time... being a ham for the camera.

Blake's Birthday Party

Last weekend we got to celebrate Blake's 2nd birthday. It was a quick trip but we had a great time opening presents, eating cupcakes and spending time together.