Saturday, November 22, 2014

Karlee - 6 Months Old

Happy 1/2 Birthday Karlee! You are just perfect and it's so fun to watch you start exploring the world. As each day passes it is more clear that you are the perfect addition to our family. I don't know how we got so lucky! Watching the sisterly love between you and Leah is just pure joy. We are so blessed to be your mommy and daddy!

A recap of what you've learned in the first 6 months of your life:
  • You still are eating about 4-5 ounces every 3 to 4 hours. You started cereal on November 14. You really liked cereal and were like a little bird eating it so well so we transitioned quick to veggies. After we transitioned to veggies (carrots, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes) and then to some fruits (apples, pears), so far you hate them all except the sweet potatoes and carrots. The green beans made you gag, the fruits you made horrible faces with every bite and the peas you wouldn't eat. You even clench your mouth so mom can't put any more in. We've done a couple days with each with the same reactions, but we will get there :-)
  • You've also started to spit things out - food, paci, just spit. The last few weeks you have been spitting a lot.
  • The beginning of the month you slept awesome - I think moving so much tired you out. Since starting solids, sleeping has not been going so great, which is unfortunate because earlier in the month you were sleeping 9-10 hours per night. Now the last week or so you frequently get up and it's harder to get you back down. We've been trying to feed you earlier so your stomach settles before bedtime so hopefully that will help.
  • You usually sleep on your back or your side but sometimes sleep on your belly now.
  • You like hearing white noise to fall asleep to but your favorite thing is just to hold your hand when you are trying to fall asleep, it calms you down.
  • You are rolling/scooting yourself all over. Now that you've got it down you always have your eye on something to go get. It's usually one of your sister's toys and we frequently hear "Karlee.... NO.." or "Karlee, you too little for that." Oh if Leah only knew what was to come :-)
  • You jabber quite a bit now and have started giggling more. Daddy makes you giggle the most and it's so funny to watch.
  • You tried out your jumper for the first time this month. Right away you weren't too sure about it but now you love it, especially the music.
  • You are sitting pretty good but still a little wobbly. You can sit for a little bit by yourself but then topple over.
  • You've really started exploring and playing with toys this month. You love to bang them whenever you can and see what you can do to make them make noise.
  • Your favorite toys so far are Anna doll that Leah got you, balls, bowls and spoons, wipes container, floor mat and your mirror with lights toy.
  • You love to splash in the tub another thing that makes your sister upset :-)
  • Your hair seems to be coming out brown and your eyes are looking like they are staying brown too.
  • You definitely notice when we leave the room now.. you start to cry instantly. Dad's trick - telling Ziggy to stay sitting next to you. Works pretty good.
  • You started to have your first bout of 'stranger danger'. You usually warm up quickly but it's definitely starting.
  • You love being sung to.
  • You are pulling your socks off all the time.. you hate your socks. And since Leah is always taking hers off too, we always have socks laying around.
  • Your favorite game is peek-a-boo.
  • You love watching people.. your favorite and watching Leah and Ziggy boy. You really like Ziggy and try to pet him and roll to him frequently. You really love to play fetch with him and watch him run.
  • Love to fly in the air with daddy.
  • You are still wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • You have the most beautiful smile and it's so wonderful that you smile so much. You love to smile. I wish everyone could experience your smile daily because it truly melts your heart and you can't help but smile back at you.

Last month - 5 Months:

And now our big 6 month old:

Hate Peas

We found a food that Karlee does not like... peas. Loved her reaction and her gagging face :-)