Saturday, October 26, 2013

Just Like Mommy

No, this isn't Leah coming down with the flu... it's her copying what she sees her mommy do. Baby #2 has made mommy kind of sick, lots.

Pretty sad that she knows to do this, huh? Or funny? :-)

Highlights of Baby #2's 1st Trimester

Here's a little recap of what's been happening with baby #2 during the first trimester:
  • First sign of being pregnant: nothing really this time - found out with the test
  • Day we found out: September 10, 2013
  • Daddy’s found out by mommy leaving the test in the bathroom. She got home from work and waited for him to go upstairs to the bathroom... but he wouldn't go, so mommy had to make some excuse for him to go get her something... which he was mad about. Then he came downstairs and said "Congrats.. that's why you've been acting so weird."
  • Nausea/Morning sickness started: 6 weeks
  • Morning sickness was just as bad, if not worse, than I had with your sister
  • Major symptoms - really tired and lazy. Good thing for your dad again however it is a little harder this time with you in my belly and your sister as an almost 2 year old running around
  • Still not sure if mom is going to find out if you are a boy or girl??
Nothing too exciting to report in the first trimester but we are getting so excited to meet you and have you join our little family.