Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Five Months Old

I know I say this every month but Leah truly has learned so much this month!! She also enjoyed the bear more than the photo session:

All the fun stuff of 5 Months Old:
  • You are eating anywhere between 5 to 6 oz bottles - still of breastmilk. We haven't dived into food... yet
  • You still love playing with your feet but your major accomplishment this month is that you love to grab objects. It is really fun to watch you actually playing with your toys this month. You grab them, shake them and just seem to really have fun playing now
  • You also have a really strong grip and hang on tight to those toys, or mom's shirt or her hair
  • You can roll both ways now but you don't do it a lot and mom still hasn't got it on video
  • Almost a month ago, you decided you were done with pacifiers (wouldn't take them and they just made you more mad). So we packed them all away.
  • You love to sit up! You just got a bumbo chair from Auntie Chas the other day and so far you seem to love it.

  • You love being outside. Sitting in your stroller, laying on the ground looking at the sky, going for walks... you love it all as long as you are outside.
  • You go to bed about 8pm and still get up 2 times a night but after failed attempts to "cry it out", mom is just learning to deal with it. It can't last forever!!
  • Your favorite toys are your excersaucer and your bouncer. It's fun to watch you in them
  • You love splashing in the tub at bathtime and usually get mom almost as wet as you are
  • You are done with your swing. That got packed away this month too
  • You are still wearing 3-6 month clothes and in size 2 diapers
  • Your hair keeps getting lighter and your eyes are still blue... will they really stay that color?
  • You moved out of your first ever home this month and into a rental place until your new house is built
  • You went through a screaming phase, that's over (thank goodness) but you still love to talk and squeal
  • You are SO smiley!! It doesn't take much to get a huge smile out of you!
  • You are such a sweet little girl!

Another big month.
Here's a picture from 4 month:

And now 5 months old: