Monday, December 22, 2014

Karlee - 7 Months Old

Our little sweetie is 7 months now, she's learning so quick and we love watching her grow. Here is her latest accomplishments:
  • You are eating about 5 ounces every 4-5 hours of breastmilk (or that's my best guess at what you are eating). You eat usually a fruit and rice or oatmeal in the morning and then a stage 2 baby food meal at night and have been eating 2 times a day for about a week now. You really like mangos, apples, chicken and apples and squash so far. Still not loving veggies.
  • You aren't a great eater yet... and you are very animated when you eat. You make tons of faces (usually bad ones).
  • You are through all the stage 1 foods.
  • You've had puffs and you seemed to really like those but mom still gets nervous so I break them up pretty small.
  • You enjoy playing with your bowls and silverware more than you like eating.
  • You are better at holding your bottle by yourself.
  • We tried to do cold milk with you this month. You hated it and wouldn't drink it.
  • On November 26 your first tooth came in. Mom felt bad as earlier in the night she and daddy were so frustrated as how crabby you were. We just kept complaining about you, then mom finally put her finger in your mouth and felt that sharp tooth poking through and realized you were in pain, so it was a long night but I was able to help you more when we knew what was wrong.
  • You have 2 teeth now, the 2nd one came in when mom was gone (first week in December) so Grandma got to deal with you during that rough night.
  • You chew on everything now! You love to eat paper. Mom was at Target one day and looked in your mouth and you had gobs of paper in there. Ooops.. really have to watch you now.
  • Mom was gone for a work trip to Baltimore so you got to spend the week with daddy, Grandma D and Leah.
  • You love your bouncer now, you go crazy bouncing up and down in it.
  • You sit by yourself in the bathtub now. You love the water but having loved the few times you've slipped and your whole head went under. You don't mind water poured on your head at all.
  • You fight taking naps, you hate to miss out on anything going on.
  • Sleeping goes back and forth with how good you are.
  • You aren't good with a sippy cup at all yet, need to work on that with you.
  • You still have your stranger danger.
  • On November 29 you decided it was time to sit on your own. That day forward you have been able to sit for a long period of time on your own without falling. You are sitting like a champ.
  • You still love to spit and you love making sounds with your mouth.
  • You adore your sister, you love watching her play and she makes you smile so much (she adores you too).
  • You are always after mommy's phone. You want to play with that all the time.
  • You lift your hands for us when you want us to pick you up now.
  • You have the cutest little giggle.
  • You love it when we kiss your belly... makes you laugh every time.
  • Ziggy is getting some good hair pulling now that you can roll and scoot over to him.
  • You hate it when we mess with your nose.
  • You are not a morning person so far. You hate it when mommy comes to wake you up in the morning.
  • You like us to hold you while you try to stand now.
  • Favorite toys include balls, moving kitty and Leah's princesses. You've been getting tons of new ones for early Christmas to play with.
  • You've been struggling with a cold for a little bit, coughing and having a runny nose. Poor thing.
  • You lay on your belly but can't get it up.. too much belly :-)
  • You are wearing size 12 month clothes and still in size 3 diapers.
Last month - 6 Months:

And our big 7 Month Old: