Sunday, May 27, 2012

Four Months Old

These months are going by way too fast!

Here's some highlights of month #4:
  • You are eating between 4 or 5 oz bottles and are usually downing them pretty fast now
  • You like to have your hands up by your bottle and are working to figure out how to hold it... but you haven't yet. Dad can't wait until you do!
  • This month you found your feet and you love them! It's amazing how flexible you are to get them to your mouth
  • You are able to roll from back to belly - but I haven't actually seen it happen yet
  • You like laying on your side, typically you turn to your side to sleep every night
  • You still hate tummy time - you last for a little while, then you scream
  • You love your bath. We put away the baby bath and now you just lay in the big tub. You think it is funny to kick your legs and splash
  • You have a little temper on you; you already like things done your way :-)
  • You are wearing 3-6 months clothes and just the other day we started you in size 2 diapers
  • Sleeping hasn't been as great lately. You did one night of 7.5 hours, which was amazing!! But other than that night you usually get up around 1 am and around 4 am to eat
  • You still have blue eyes
  • You are losing your hair, especially on the sides.. but I can see the hair underneath growing in
  • You've now started daycare at Auntie Nikki's
  • You love to talk you are still making tons of new noises all the time
  • You love it when mommy sings to you. Our favorite song is "You Are My Sunshine"
  • You are getting really good and grabbing and holding onto things. Your favorite thing to grab and pull is Ziggy's tail. Luckily he is a good dog and just takes it
  • Your love to lay under your floor toy and now you like playing with the toys on the side too
  • We can't wait to see what next month will bring

Here's a picture from 3 months:

And now 4 months old: