Saturday, April 27, 2013

15 Months

I can't believe 3 months has past since I've done a written update on Leah because the time has gone by so fast and she has learned so much! Leah, you have transformed from a baby to a little girl and it's amazing the new skills and tricks you have mastered. You truly are a sweet-hearted, loving, smart and goofy little girl and we love watching your personality emerge. You are spunky and very daring - you love to get into things you shouldn't and testing your boundaries. Although this frustrates us that you are in all our stuff and worries us that you will actually make that dangerous jump, we wouldn't have it any other way.

Here are some 15 Month updates:
  • You absolutely LOVE to eat. You are constantly walking over to your high chair and banging on it for food. Daycare says you like to eat multiple lunches - once yours is done and it's another baby's turn - you want up in the high chair again to eat one more time. The only food that we know you don't like right now is applesauce, you used to eat it, but now you won't for some reason.
  • You only like feed yourself. You love it when we give you a spoon and you are getting better at using it, still messy though.
  • You love drinking out of a big person cup or a water bottle but we don't allow it to happen often as it results in you spilling the drink all over yourself. 
  • You definitely have favorite words. They are Hi, Ziggy and Da Da. You jabber all the time, it's mostly those words or others that we don't know what you are saying. Your word list right now is: Da Da, Ma Ma, Hi, Ziggy, uh oh, ball, ruff ruff (what a doggy says), and what I think is thank you.
  • You don't say the world "no" but when you don't want to do something you shake your head no (usually frantically).
  • You are obsessed with Ziggy. You love to let him outside, give him treats, run around the house chasing him and give him TONS of hugs. I wish he loved it as much as you do :-)
  • You love to swim and it's really when your daring personality comes out. You have no fear in the water. You dunk your head like crazy, throw yourself back to float and love going down any kind of pool slide. 
  • You talk on the "phone" all the time. It usually goes like this "hiya, ya, ya" then hang it up.
  • You are constantly moving. I can't believe how much energy you have - from the time you get up to the time you go to sleep you are go, going. I wish I had your energy.
  • You work out way more than mom and dad too - by a mile!
  • You have 5 teeth coming in at the same time (that I know of), 2 of them are molars. Making it a total of 9.
  • You have mastered going up and down (on your butt) steps. We took the gate done the end of March and you have done fine. You love the free rein of the house and often mom and dad are upstairs and you go downstairs to play. You did tumble down the stairs once but it was because you were playing on the steps when you shouldn't have been (reaching for the hand rail). Other than that time, you have done great. 
  • You love to get into absolutely everything you shouldn't and this includes making a mess with whatever you touch.... toilet paper, Ziggy's water and food, the kitchen cupboards.... anything we say no to, you seem to go there more.
  • You love books. Your favorite on is a book called Peekaboo Kisses (from Uncle Clint and Auntie Paige). It's your favorite because the pages flip open and it is a touch and feel book. You bring mommy books to read to you a lot, however your attention span to sit through a whole book isn't too long. Besides the touch and feel books, you get tired by just the picture ones.
  • You are a good climber so you are up on the couch or chairs a lot. 
  • You love to wear sunglasses now, which is good because you have 5 pairs. You will put them on and walk around the house with them like a 'cool girl'. I'm amazed at how long you will keep them on.
  • You continue to throw tantrums often which consist of either tears or laying on the ground and kicking your feet. We still get a chuckle out of the tantrums.
  • Your favorite game is still when daddy chases you. You hear "I'm going to get you..." and you are off with the hugest smile on your face. 
  • You are quite the dancer, it is the cutest thing! We play music a lot in our house that turns into a dance party. 
  • You also like to jump.. we say "ready, set, jump" and you bend down and do your "jump". You think that you come so far off the ground and are so proud of yourself, even though it is just bending and straightening your knees. :-)
  • You hate your car seat and spend the majority of your time in it screaming or crying.
  • Your favorite toys: BALLS, your red car, your pink house and your stuff animals (doesn't matter which one).
  • Favorite t.v. show: Dora the Explorer or Barney
  • You sleep through the night every night now. It's awesome - I have to tell you after a whole year of not sleeping through the night, this last 3 months has been amazing!
  • You are crabby when you get up in the morning and you won't get out of your crib until you can grab your blanket(s) and stuffed animal. This is a MUST and if you don't get to grab them ALL, you scream and point to them until we let you have them.
  • You would take a bath every single night if we let you. You love it. As soon as you hear the word bath you are headed up the stairs to the bathroom, ready to take your clothes off.
  • You love shoes. You know where they go, put them there and really wish you could put them on yourself.
  • With the above you love going outside, so you frequently find your shoes, hat and jacket to put them on so you can go 'bye bye.' Finally it is nice enough for you go to outside. We love our deck because we can get your jacket and shoes on, open the door and let you walk around in circles on the deck. You hate coming back inside.
  • You started to give hugs to the daycare ladies when mommy comes to pick you up, it's super cute. 
  • You are still not a snuggler and are very independent. When you want a snack you go open the pantry and get one out, when you want your milk you walk over and bang on the fridge. You like walking by yourself with only holding our hand rather than carrying you.
  • You weigh 25 lbs.
  • You just transitioned into size 4 diapers, but still fit in size 3, and are wearing 18 month clothes.
As always this has been the best 15 months and you are such a fun little girl who bring so many laughs into our life. We love you so much!

Weekend with the Bryans

Michele and Tom went on a trip to visit some friends in Memphis so we got to come hang out with the Bryan kids and Grandma and Grandpa.

First we all had breakfast together:

Then we watched Jerit play soccer:

A quick picture with Grandma and Grandpa:

Had some play time at the McDonalds playland:

And some fun outside:

What a fun weekend with the Bryan kids!