Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Karlee - 5 Months Old

5 Months Old!! You bring us so much joy, Karlee!


All the fun stuff of 5 Months Old:

  • You are still eating about 4-5 oz when you have bottles, which is mostly at daycare. Mom’s not ready to start food yet (it’s so messy J) so we will do that closer to 6 months.
  • You still try to hold your bottle when you do have it
  • You love to chew on things, your blankets, paci and toys mostly
  • You love to play with your feet. You are getting good at pulling your socks off to reach and get your toes.
  • You love watching people. You really LOVE watching Leah. Leah’s at a great age were she loves to dance around and sing all the time. Karlee is really enjoying this. She gets a BIG smile on her face when Leah comes over to talk to her or sing to her.
  • You think it’s really funny when Leah runs around and around in a circle in the living room (which she does often)
  • You still smile the biggest for daddy. You are definitely starting out as a daddy’s girl
  • You’ve started to like your excersaucer more now and will sit in there a little longer
  • On 10/02/14, you rolled from your belly to your back, so now you are going to be on the move all over the floor before we know it.
  • You’ve had quite a few times where you have slept over 7 hours. Mommy is so lucky with what a good sleeper you are. On 10/16/14 you even slept for 8 hours straight.
  • You are such a good baby, seriously. You do get crabby we pretty much know then that it is because you are hungry or tired.
  • You can see that some new hair is growing in to replace all that has fallen out
  • You love kisses on your cheek and you start to giggle when you get them
  • You grab for everything!! Blankets, Leah’s hair, Ziggy’s hair, Mommy’s hair, toys, popcorn, whatever you can get J
  • Loves car rides. Always a great girl in the car
  • You don’t always like to snuggle to sleep with mommy anymore L Sometimes you will whine until I lay you down by yourself and you can stretch out with your arms over your head
  • You can sit by yourself for just a few seconds
  • You love to sit up. You will sit in your bumbo chair for awhile but I really think you are going to love it when you can sit up by yourself.
  • You still love splashing around at bath time. You and Leah usually take all your baths together.
  • You talk and make lots more noises now
  • You are still liking your paci, especially for bedtime
  • You are the smiliest baby I know. You love to smile at people and seem to be so happy. You have such a beautiful little smile and we love seeing it so often.
  • You moved up to 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
  • You are so sweet! Can’t imagine life without you!

Here's a picture from 4 month:

And now 5 months old: