Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

This year we had a little monkey for Halloween. Leah had no interest in putting on her costume and actually screamed every time we tried to put it on before Halloween. We didn't know if she would actually wear it for trick or treating. After a little struggle getting it on, Leah quickly learned that this costume was great because when she wore it people gave her candy.

We had a blast the day before Halloween and got tons of candy at Zoo Boo with Paige and Parker. It was a little rainy that day but Leah didn't mind and did a great job holding her bucket out for everyone. She can say "Trick or Treat" but wouldn't talk for strangers so haven't mastered that yet. All-in-all it was great way to spend the holiday and Leah had a great time!

On Halloween, we only made it to 2 houses - Auntie Chas's and Uncle Clint & Paige's but Leah still got more candy than she needed and really loved wearing her monkey costume. I think she figured out this Halloween thing because she even wanted to wear her costume the day after Halloween.

October Randoms

Go Cowboys!

 Our morning routine - cereal, milk and "puppies" (Paw Patrol)

 Trying on some Halloween costumes

 Pretending to a be a puppy - we love to play fetch

 Oatmeal.. yummy!!

Loves to sing, starting singing a lot this month!!