Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ferris Wheel

Leah got a treat out shopping with Grandma on our early Christmas weekend, she got to ride the Ferris wheel. And as an added surprise Santa was there (he actually gave out the free Ferris wheel rides).

She had a great time. Karlee liked watching them go round and round too.

Eary Christmas

Because we were on vacation in AZ over Christmas we had an early Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa C and Uncle Clint and Aunt Paige to open some gifts. The girls got lots of fun stuff, Leah loved her new vanity. We aren't sure where we are going to put it though :-)

Leah thought this Christmas was great because Karlee was just a little too small to open presents so Leah got to open double the gifts. Score for her.

Early Merry Christmas!