Saturday, March 2, 2013


We finally got Leah out to play in the snow. She LOVED it... besides she kept wanting to take her gloves off and got mad because mom kept putting them back on.

Thanks Wixos for the snowsuit... she's missed being outside and we can't wait to use it more next year (hopefully the snow won't last much longer this year!)


We are working on using a spoon... it's a little messy!


New Game

Leah loves the window lately. She runs to it every time Ziggy goes out to go potty so she can watch him and scream at him. 

Her other new favorite game is playing with window clings:

Pintrest Project

I'm not crafty. But I wanted to organize Leah's room and make a days of the week clothes' holder for daddy who gets Leah ready every morning.

I think it turned out really cute and it's turning out to be very helpful in the mornings. And best part, got the containers at the dollar store :-)

A Beaver?

I'm  embarrassed to show things pictures. Not so much that Leah felt the need to eat her crib, but that we let it get so far without putting something to block her from doing it. I hope that her teeth aren't permanently damaged. :-)

Leah's Style

Rocking her new boots

She likes to wear a scarfs like her mommy...