Saturday, March 24, 2012

Parent's Night Out/Leah's First Sleepover

Last night my friend April had her wedding reception so Leah had her first sleepover at Auntie Nikki and Uncle Corey's house.

Paige and Parker were excited and both wanted Leah to sleep in their room. I don't think either of them won that battle but the night must have gone well for Paige because she asked if Leah could sleep over again tonight (we thought we better let Nikki have a full nights sleep again though). Plus, it was really weird for mommy to sleep in such a quiet house - no monitor, no video to watch and no crying.

Here's mommy with her great work friends - thanks for a very fun night girls!!

And, thanks so much Wixo's for watching Leah, she had a great time and so did we.