Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Karlee Check-Up

Another great check-up for Karlee. Still a healthy girl.

And the best part of this check-up was how well she did with her shots. Barely even a cry, such a tough girl.

Karlee's 4 month stats:
Length-for-age - 25.5 in (88%)
Weight-for-age - 17.6 lbs (95%)
Head - 16.9 in (97%)

Here's what you were at 2 month stats:
Length-for-age - 23 in (76%)
Weight-for-age - 14.1 lbs (96%)
Head - 16 in (98%)



Daddy's friend had a b-day party at Kobes, so Leah got her first experience of the dinner show. She loved it all, except the fire part, that scared her a bit. She also loved the rice and made some new friends.