Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hospital Visitors

Thanks to everyone who came to visit us at the hospital. It meant a lot to have you there to meet Karlee. 


Karlee's first visitor - Big Sister Leah

Leah giving Karlee the gifts she bought her (a little doll and a puppy pacifier)

With Daddy

Grandma Deb

Grandpa Ron

 Aunt Chas

Aunt Nikki

Cousin Paige

Cousin Parker

The Dschaak grand kids

 Aunt Paige

 Uncle Clint

Leah was just as lucky as Karlee and got TONS of gifts!

A few other hospital pics

You are very loved sweetie!

First Family Pictures

Our first family picture.
We love our little family! 
It's the perfect family for us.

Labor Day - Thursday, May 22

I have to say that Karlee's birthday was a pretty easy one and not an expected labor story. It started out the weekend before she was born. That Saturday, the Dschaaks and Wixos were in town for a Saturday of pedicures, shopping and hanging out. Mommy woke up that morning having contractions but they were very far apart probably about 30 minutes. First was pedicures and still a contraction hear or there (and man it was nice to get some pampering in). After that we went shopping and the contractions were coming a little stronger as we were walking around a bunch that day but still were about 20 minutes apart. Well that night after everyone left mommy started having contractions about 5 p.m. that were about 8 minutes apart. Not incredibly strong but still could feel them pretty good. Mommy waited for them to get closer. I would have put money on the fact that we were going to have a new baby that night because the contractions went on until about 10:30 p.m. But then at that time mommy lost her mucous plug and the contractions just stopped. Completely stopped. I was really surprised and a little sad we wouldn't meet you that night.

Well, nothing exciting happened all that week, no more contractions and went to work every day. Mommy's doctors appointment was on Wednesday but I didn't really expect much to have happened. A the last appointment the week before I was dialated to a 3 and about 0 station. I just figured I was probably just the same. As the doctor checked me and we were talking about my contractions she joked what if you were dialated a lot more, but I still wasn't thinking much of it. Well, she checked me and said "Oh wow, you are dialted to about 5.5 cm now." I was pretty surprised being as I hadn't had contractions the last couple of days. She then said to me that we needed to talk about what to do now. Her first question was - how far away do you live? I only live about 5 minutes from the hospital so she said since I was so close she would let me go home if I wanted and try to have the baby come when she was ready. She said she normally wouldn't do this with my advanced dialation but since I was so close she would. But she said - don't dilly dally coming in to the hospital. She stripped my membranes and I went home. 

And there I was waiting and hoping baby would come soon. At about 8 p.m. I had contractions starting about 4 minutes apart but they still weren't that strong. They kept going so at about 9:30 p.m. I called the nurse I know that works at the hospital and said I think I'll be in at 11 p.m. (I wanted to let them know because I knew that's when the change of shift was - yes, weird I know but that's what happens when you used to work there.) She said okay and I let her know if that I would call if anything changed. Well that call was like bad luck because right after that contractions stopped again. I couldn't believe it. so at 10:30 p.m. I called my friend back and said "sorry, guess I'm going to be home for a while still." 

I went to bed then (or tried to) and I do think I slept for a bit until about midnight I got up to contractions again. At this time they were about 3 minutes apart and were a little stronger. I woke Chad up to get the car ready but told him I wanted to wait to make sure these ones didn't go away. Being a previous labor nurse, I didn't want to be the one to go in and not be in labor. With every contraction, I just kept telling him.. well let's just wait for one more. At about 1:30 a.m. I went upstairs and had bloody show so that was my sign that it was time to get into the hospital. I called back and told them I was on my way and the contractions were still coming. I got to the hospital room a little after 2 a.m. and the nurses just came in and started my I.V. without checking me or anything - so I guess they were keeping me. I was 40 weeks and 2 days too but for some reason it was still like oh wow.. this is happening. When they did check me after that I was already to 7 cm so that was good. 

Contractions kept coming and the birthing ball was my friend again (just like for Leah's birth). They were consistent at about 3 minutes apart and just taking them one at a time. At about 3:45 a.m. the midwife broke my water and I was complete and ready to push by about 4:20 a.m. Pushing was a lot harder this time than for Leah. Baby's head was OP and I could definitely feel the difference. I kept asking - "why does this hurt so much more?" and also "I'm so glad I never have to do this again!" We pushed pretty aggressively with every contraction - mommy kind of lost it a little wanting a break because it really did hurt. But, I also knew there were 2 labors in other rooms waiting for the midwife and for me to delivery. At 4:58 a.m. after about 30 minutes of pushing it was the weirdest thing because i knew the baby's head was down there but with one push she just came out and honestly I didn't realize at that time she was so close. Our beautiful, healthy baby girl was born. 

It was love a first sight and we were so happy you were there and a part of our family. 

Our first pictures together


 Our nurse, Lisa

 Our Midwife, Christa - thank you for everything!!

 Such cute little feet


She's Here!!

Mommy, Daddy and Leah couldn't be happier to announce the birth of Karlee Deb Dschaak
Born May 22nd, 2014 at 4:58 a.m.
Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz
Length: 21 inches

It was a quick night but we are all doing wonderful! Thank you everyone for your support and congrats. Labor story and more pictures to come :-)

Karlee, you are the perfect addition to complete our family. We love you so much already.

Weight - 8 lbs 2 oz
Length - 21 in
Head - 13.8 in