Monday, March 4, 2013


Here's one for those Grandma's

A new phase has started at our house... pouting. After she hears "no" it's either this pouty face or else she will drop to the ground, lay on her back and kick her feet. Chad and I aren't very good with it because she makes the face or goes to the ground and we both start chuckling, come on.. it is kind of funny. I'm sure that style of parenting won't be effective for long but for now, after about 10 seconds she usually forgets why she is mad and is on to be her smiley, happy self again.

We hope this is a short lived phase, she isn't even 2 yet!!

Going Shopping

Leah and Mommy get to spend our Friday afternoons just the two of us. During our special girl time, we hit up Wal-Mart. Leah loves walking through the toy isle already. But, no.. we didn't by that $5 ball... she left with a toy that was $1 :-)