Monday, September 22, 2014

Watching TV

Karlee really has no interested in tv and this was the first time that I actually saw her looking up a few times to see what this 'Peppa Pig' was all about.

Karlee - 4 Months Old

It’s been 4 months already and Karlee is growing up so fast. We just can't get enough of that sweet little face.


Here's some highlights of month #4:
  • When you have bottles, which isn’t very often at home, you eat about 4-5 oz
  • You drool a lot more now but very rarely spit up
  • You are still an awesome sleeper. You go to bed about 8 p.m. Get up around 1:30, eat, go back to sleep and mommy has to wake you up about 6:10 a.m. It’s great!
  • You ROLLED OVER from back to front for the first time on 09/09/14. Mommy missed it but Grandma D was there to see it and got a video for mom. After you did it the first time you just kept rolling over multiple times. Guess it was just time. You can do both going from the left and going to the right.
  • You still don’t love tummy time, so when you do roll over from your back to belly, then you start to whine and want to go back
  • You love your floor toy mat and the music that it plays
  • You started sitting in your excersaucer to play
  • You will scoot around in a circle on the floor
  • You really like laying on your side to sleep
  • You love bath time. You sit in there super content for the longest time, you started to learn how to splash and you love kicking around and splashing your sister
  • You are still talking ‘jabbering’ all the time
  • When you cry or whine, Leah will come over to you and say “It’s okay, I’m here.” – How precious is that?
  • You still really like your pacifier
  • You love looking around and watching people, you’ve started to do that so much more now
  • I’m not sure what your eye color will turn out to be – sometimes it looks brown and sometimes blue?? Most of the time it’s just grey
  • You don’t have much hair now, just fuzzy stuff that sometimes sticks up in weird spots
  • You can push yourself backward in your walker
  • You giggle once in a while
  • You are grabbing at more stuff now and starting to ‘play’ with toys
  • I think you think it’s funny when you toot, you toot and then get a big smile or giggle
  • You are wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers, but they won’t last long
  • We love watching all the news stuff you are starting to get into
Here's a picture from 3 months:


And now 4 months old: