Friday, April 27, 2012

Three Months Old

My baby is getting SO BIG!

Here's our monthly recap:
  • You've learned to scream really loud when you are hungry. When you have bottles during the day you eat around 4 oz
  • You have definitely found your hands, you love to have them in your mouth
  • You have a really runny nose. It doesn't bother you much but you have been getting stuffy quite a bit in the mornings
  • You are still in 0-3 size clothes and size 1 diapers
  • You roll over to your side now
  • You are still a great sleeper. Mom usually only has to get up one time a night to feed you. Such a good girl! And you love your mobile - it puts you to sleep a lot of nights

  • Your cousins really like the Mobile too :-)

  • But that doesn't mean you are a sound sleeper, Mommy is always surprised when she comes to get you from your crib because you are usually sideways and lately have been turning yourself completely around
  • We started putting you in your walker just for you to sit in and you love it. You really like sitting up straight and being pushed around the house
  • You still have your blue eyes and brown hair but your hair seems to be getting lighter
  • You've had many babysitters so far... you get a new one every week
  • You make so many noises now. You talk and talk and talk. You make lots more noises than last month
  • You are squirmer at bath time, you love to hang your legs over the side of your baby tub
  • You still get tired and crabby at night... I guess the day just wears you out
  • And lastly, Mom and Dad love everything about you!!!

A look back at her 2 month picture:

And now 3 Months: