Friday, February 3, 2012

One Week Old

I can't believe my baby is already 1 week old. The time has gone by fast!

Leah has been an amazing baby this first week. It's crazy how she just fits into our family. It is like she should have always been with us!

From our first week we know:
  • Leah LOVES to eat! She has been a great eater since right after she was born. I have never once had to struggle with getting her to eat.
  • She is already a little stinker, twice today she has pooped in her brand new diaper that I had just put on within 5 minutes before. And boy is she noisy when she poops - you can't miss it!
  • She is doing pretty good with sleep. Most nights I get at least one 3 hour stretch of sleep. Besides that she eats about every 2-3 hours consistently.
  • Every night so far she has slept in her crib.
  • She has already melted all our hearts. She couldn't be any sweeter of a baby.

I can't wait to see what next week brings! It might be a little more challenging without all the help of Grandma and Grandpa D... hopefully it goes as smooth.


Leah got to go to school yesterday! Paige asked if Leah could be her show-n-tell for school this week and it was great timing because the class was even learning about the letter "L". Thanks so much Paige for asking Leah to come... she sure is lucky to have a cousin who loves her so much and wants to show her off.

First Bath

Leah wasn't so sure about being unwrapped and cold. But once she got into the water she decided baths weren't too bad.