Thursday, January 9, 2014

First Pictures

We finally got to see you today and get your first pictures (first of many, many to come - just ask your sister)! We couldn't be happier about watching you move around in mommy's tummy, kicking and squirming. You look like you have the cutest button nose and didn't look as much like an alien as your sister did. :-)

We also got to find out that...... You're a GIRL!!!

We couldn't be happier about it. Your daddy has wanted a girl all along and you are going to be the perfect addition to complete our little family.

And the most important part of all, everything looked great and you appear to be completely healthy. The doctor came in after the ultrasound and said she was happy to report that everything on the report was completely boring (which is good news in a doctor's world). She also said you were very proportional :-)

It's more real when we get to see your little pictures and it makes us so excited for you to be with us little girl. Here's some more of your first pictures...