Monday, September 24, 2012

Turning 30

I've heard from some that turning 30 is tough; but I decided that I should turn 30 every year because I have been overly spoiled by everyone! My birthday celebrations have been spread out over a couple of weeks now with a bunch of special events.

Thirty Sucks Bouquet (that I was surprised with on my desk at work)

Birthday Cupcakes in a jar

First, the Cermak family spent the weekend in Alexandria at the Carlos Creek winery at a Grape Stomp. It was a fun weekend and you can never go wrong with family, wine, junk food and an event with a bunch of drunk people :-)

The day before my birthday I had a fondue party at my house with some of my old co-workers. I didn't get any pictures of the party but we had a blast and the food was super yummy.

On my actual birthday we went bowling and to Cherry Berry with Paige and Parker. Everyone had a blast bowling (even Leah). And who doesn't love Cherry Berry!
Then on Saturday, I had another night out with some co-workers. Drinks, laughter and fun times all around!

And I still have one more birthday gift to come with a day of massages with Chas and Nikki - which I am SO excited for!!

See... I wasn't kidding about getting completely spoiled! What a wonderful birthday. Thank you to everyone who made my turning 30 so great!