Sunday, March 22, 2015

Karlee - 10 Months Old

Our little sweetheart has hit 10 months old! Wow.... she's really become such a little person now. It's so much fun listening to her talk to us and as always interact so much with her big sister.

Some exciting things happening this month:
  • You prefer finger foods over anything else now. It's hard to get you to sit down for a whole thing of baby food. But it's nice for mom and dad that you are getting so much better at finger food.... still a huge mess though :-)
  • You are eating four 6 oz bottles during the day and then an 8 oz bottle before bed
  • You are so much better with your sippy cup now. You prefer the ones with the straw
  • You only have your 2 bottom teeth, I feel like the top ones are going to pop out soon though
  • I'd say your first word was probably da da. I've also heard you say ma ma, yeah, no, hey but you definitely say da da the most
  • You like to talk and mostly yell at people
  • As of March 3, you are pacifier free. Mom was nervous to take it away because you loved it so much but you kept waking yourself up at night wanted it back and it was getting rough for mom and dad, so we had to try it. Well, we took it away that day and it hasn't phased you at all, you didn't seem to mind not having it and it was much easier than we expected!
  • Favorite foods are: mac and cheese, cheerios
  • You love to play patty cake
  • You are getting around everywhere... crawling but now you are cruising along the furniture and always pulling yourself up
  • You can stand for a few seconds by yourself and you like to walk with one hand
  • It seems like you are always looking for something to get into or to put into your mouth
  • You can climb up the stairs all by yourself and you love to
  • You like walking around with people (but that hurts moms back :-)
  • You favorite toys: balls (still) and the Little People princesses, balloons
  • Love to splash in the tub, you and Leah will laugh and laugh as you splash and get water everywhere
  • Watching you and Leah laugh together is the best!!! And you are laughing much more now
  • You adore your sister, you look at her with such love
  • To get you back to bed or to go to bed you like to have your butt patted and you like to be sung to
  • You help a little when trying to get dressed by pulling your arm through, but you are still screaming when you do it because you hate mornings and you hate getting dressed
  • You blow bubbles all the time and you make a phew... sound with your mouth lots (blowing out with your lips)
  • You chew on your blanket now (probably since the paci is gone)
  • You like to stick your tongue out and lick your lips
  • You are a daddy's girl, you love your daddy but no one makes you smile like Leah
  • You can give a high 5
  • We are working on waving, but you just don't want to do that
  • You got your first bite at daycare but handled it like a champ
  • You seem to pay attention a lot more now when we are talking to you
  • You like making people laugh
  • Your favorite song is "All About the Bass"
  • You love giving kisses and make a huge 'muh' sound when you do
  • You will push your 2 bottom teeth out like a beaver
  • You've had quite a few times that you have thrown yourself back and hit your head
  • You grab your ear when you are tired
  • You and Leah will play really well together now
  • You love it when we blow on your belly
  • Leah loves it when you chase her by crawling after her.. Leah will say "Karlee come and get me" and start running
  • You wear mostly 12 month clothes but shirts are having to be 18 months now because they wont' fit over your belly. You are in size 4 diapers.
  • You are the best!
Here you are at 9 months:

Our big 10 month old: