Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter with the Bryan's

While our Easter plans did take an unpleasant turn with us not feeling well early in the weekend, we did still get to eat Easter supper on Sunday with the Bryan's on their way to back to the cities. Not the most traditional Easter supper but it sure was a good Space Alien's meal :-)

The kids also got to play some games and spend some time together and it ended up being a great day to go to Space Aliens because there was barely anyone else there.... all the games to ourselves!

Making sure Avery didn't fall...

Blowing kisses...

High 10 (?) - think that is the cheerleading move this is called??

 Our attempt at a picture of the cousins - unsuccessful

Easter Morning

Some snapshots on Easter morning before church... it was cold and windy outside, but they didn't mind!