Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baptism Outfits

I was going to wait until baptism to show these but then I realized I would only be able to show the baby in 1 of them and I love them both; so I thought I would put pictures up of them up now.

A while ago (even before we found out we were expecting) I decided I didn't know what to do with my wedding dress. It was just taking up a lot of room in the closet. So I asked Grandma Dschaak to make it into a baptismal gown. She surprised us with making my dress into a girl gown and a boy outfit. She is incredibly talented and I really love how they turned out.

Here's the before:

And here's the finished products:

Thank you SO much Grandma Dschaak!! The outfits are absolutely amazing and I know Baby D will treasure whichever one he/she gets to wear.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Baby Shower #1

This weekend I had my first baby shower with the Cermak/Bendish side of the family. I had such a wonderful time and felt so incredibly loved. Thank you to everyone who came and to my sister and mom for planning it all. You two really went over and above to make it an incredible baby shower!

I really loved the time I got to spend with family and it just re-confirmed how loved and spoiled Baby D is already!!

Me at 29 weeks & Shell at 22.5 weeks

Mom and her sisters (if you can't tell from the family resemblance) 

Thank you again to everyone for making it such a special day!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our Halloween

Halloween for us was pretty laid back. Just a pregnant girl eating a piece of candy for almost every piece that was given out... equaling way too much candy consumption! We can't wait until next year until we can go trick or treating with our little one.

But, we did have a great visit from our favorite cowboys... Woody and Jessie... aren't they adorable?!?