Saturday, April 28, 2012

3 Month Pics

Leah did great for her 3 month pics, even though it was an all day process (well not really, but it felt like it!!) I love how they turned out!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Three Months Old

My baby is getting SO BIG!

Here's our monthly recap:
  • You've learned to scream really loud when you are hungry. When you have bottles during the day you eat around 4 oz
  • You have definitely found your hands, you love to have them in your mouth
  • You have a really runny nose. It doesn't bother you much but you have been getting stuffy quite a bit in the mornings
  • You are still in 0-3 size clothes and size 1 diapers
  • You roll over to your side now
  • You are still a great sleeper. Mom usually only has to get up one time a night to feed you. Such a good girl! And you love your mobile - it puts you to sleep a lot of nights

  • Your cousins really like the Mobile too :-)

  • But that doesn't mean you are a sound sleeper, Mommy is always surprised when she comes to get you from your crib because you are usually sideways and lately have been turning yourself completely around
  • We started putting you in your walker just for you to sit in and you love it. You really like sitting up straight and being pushed around the house
  • You still have your blue eyes and brown hair but your hair seems to be getting lighter
  • You've had many babysitters so far... you get a new one every week
  • You make so many noises now. You talk and talk and talk. You make lots more noises than last month
  • You are squirmer at bath time, you love to hang your legs over the side of your baby tub
  • You still get tired and crabby at night... I guess the day just wears you out
  • And lastly, Mom and Dad love everything about you!!!

A look back at her 2 month picture:

And now 3 Months:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week with Grandma

Leah got to spend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with Grandma this week. She is definitely getting to be a very spoiled little girl. But everyday when I got home she was full of smiles so she must have had fun.

We are still so thankful to have such wonderful family to watch Leah for us so she doesn't have to go to daycare quite yet!

Here's some pics from Grandma and Leah's days together...

Thanks so much Grandma! Hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Are we bad parents?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week with Grandma and Grandpa

Mommy had a work trip last week so Leah got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa all week long! I'm pretty positive it was a week full of spoiling and kisses. It was hard for Mommy and Daddy to be away from her all week but we know she had fun and she came back making all these new noises and cooing all the time. Guess she is trying to tell us all the stories of her week.

Here's a few pics:

Thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa, Leah had a great time with you and sure misses you now!
Can't wait to see you soon! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Avery's Baptism

We had a great Easter celebrating with family and it was also a very special day because Avery was baptized.

She looked beautiful in her dress

The Bryan Family

With Avery

Avery, You are a precious miracle and a dream come true. It will be our honor to grow in faith with you. So much of life ahead we dream of all you'll be. We will give you special time, with thoughts of you each day. We will keep you in our prayers as you find your way. We look forward to the years ahead and being Godparents to you.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Aunt Shell

Happy Birthday Auntie Shell! Hope your day is extra special. I had fun spending the weekend with you!

Love, Leah

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy 1st Easter

Leah had a wonderful first Easter.

Mom dressed her up in Easter attire for pics:

She got to decorate Easter Eggs with her cousins:

Until she got sick of it..

Had an Easter Egg hunt at Aunt Chas's:

Got to get all dressed up:

And spend Easter day at her cousin Avery's Baptism (more pics to come):

And the Easter bunny was very good to her, she got lots of great stuff. Wishing everyone just as wonderful of an Easter holiday!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week at Chas's House

Leah got to spend the whole week with Aunt Chas this week and from the pictures it looks like she had a blast.

They went on lots of walks, went shopping, watched tv and they even went to the gym (definitely Leah's first time there :-). I know Leah had some busy days because she was pretty tired at night (and so was Ziggy who was lucky enough to go with).

Thanks Aunt Chas,  Leah can't wait for you to watch her again soon!