Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our New Ride

Guess I'm officially a mom.... with potential to be a 'soccer mom'

Don't be too jealous :-) 

Four Month Appointment

Today we had Leah's 4 month appointment. She was such a tough little girl. She cried after her shots but only for like 5 seconds and then she was fine. And she's been in a good mood all night so far, so I think we got lucky with this round of shots.
Here's your stats (you're getting tall):

Wt - 15 lbs 7oz (Wt for length - 50th percentile,

Wt for age - 80th percentile)

Ht - 25.5 inches (90th percentile)

Head - 42 cm (75th percentile)

The perfect shirt for a day at the doctor:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Four Months Old

These months are going by way too fast!

Here's some highlights of month #4:
  • You are eating between 4 or 5 oz bottles and are usually downing them pretty fast now
  • You like to have your hands up by your bottle and are working to figure out how to hold it... but you haven't yet. Dad can't wait until you do!
  • This month you found your feet and you love them! It's amazing how flexible you are to get them to your mouth
  • You are able to roll from back to belly - but I haven't actually seen it happen yet
  • You like laying on your side, typically you turn to your side to sleep every night
  • You still hate tummy time - you last for a little while, then you scream
  • You love your bath. We put away the baby bath and now you just lay in the big tub. You think it is funny to kick your legs and splash
  • You have a little temper on you; you already like things done your way :-)
  • You are wearing 3-6 months clothes and just the other day we started you in size 2 diapers
  • Sleeping hasn't been as great lately. You did one night of 7.5 hours, which was amazing!! But other than that night you usually get up around 1 am and around 4 am to eat
  • You still have blue eyes
  • You are losing your hair, especially on the sides.. but I can see the hair underneath growing in
  • You've now started daycare at Auntie Nikki's
  • You love to talk you are still making tons of new noises all the time
  • You love it when mommy sings to you. Our favorite song is "You Are My Sunshine"
  • You are getting really good and grabbing and holding onto things. Your favorite thing to grab and pull is Ziggy's tail. Luckily he is a good dog and just takes it
  • Your love to lay under your floor toy and now you like playing with the toys on the side too
  • We can't wait to see what next month will bring

Here's a picture from 3 months:

And now 4 months old:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Missed It...

For weeks now Leah has been SO close to rolling over that ever night I sit with my camera next to us on the floor, just in case she makes it all the way one time; I could grab my camera quick and get a video of her first time rolling over.

Well, this morning I walked into her room to get her and there she was laying on her belly! My little stinker decided her first time rolling over would be during the night so mommy couldn't see it. :-)

I guess just another reason things are on her time around here.. but I'm sure before we know it she'll be rolling all over the house!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Day of Daycare

Yesterday was Leah's first day of her summer "daycare". We are really happy that daycare means going to Auntie Nikki's house everyday.

Nikki, we are SO lucky to have you!!  Currently, Paige and especially Parker are Leah's biggest fans. They constantly want to hug and kiss her. I hope they still feel the same way when the summer is over. :-)

Here's a pic from the first day:

The Buffalo

On the way home from the lake we decided we needed to get out of the car.. so to the Jamestown Buffalo we went. The kids loved the old town and seeing the big buffalo. There were also horses but unfortunately the horse rides aren't open until next weekend... guess we will be going back soon!

More Camping

On Friday - Paige, Parker, Mommy and Daddy came to join in on the fun for the weekend.

On the way there

Playing in the camper

Throwing rocks

Playing in Grandpa's boat

Campfire and S'mores

Thanks for making our weekend so fun, even though the weather wasn't very nice!! 

First Camping Trip

Leah and Ziggy got to spend all of last week camping with Grandma and Grandpa. It looks like they had a blast.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Ziggy!!!

Our first "baby" turns 5 years old today!! I can't believe we have had our puppy for 5 years already. I will never forget the day we got Ziggy. We saw him at the mall and it looked like two other dogs were being mean to him (now looking back, I think he was probably the instigator). But, we felt so bad for him that we asked if we could take him out to hold him.

The first thing Ziggy did when when he got into Chad's arms was give him a kiss. And Chad instantly looked at me and said "We are taking him home... aren't we?" And 10 minutes later Ziggy was in the car.



It was one of the best decisions we ever made!! We love you Ziggy!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Leah and Ziggy love hanging out outside...

Hanging Out with Ellery

Leah had so much fun meeting a new friend, Ellery (our cousin's little girl).  Isn't Ellery precious and what a good little girl she was!

I love Leah's leg in this one :-)
And Ellery was so sweet sharing her toys with Leah.

Didn't get a picture with Parker but he hung out with the girls too

We can't wait to have another playdate!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Blessing

The reason I'm celebrating today and so happy to be a mommy:

Leah, I'm so blessed to be your mom and love you more than you will ever know!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Advice: Marry Well!

I love my husband but the last couple weeks I've realized how lucky you are when you marry into a great family too! Grandma and Grandpa D have been here for the last week and a half and have been wonderful to us!!

Not only do they watch our daughter all day while we are at work (and at night after we get home) but they clean, do laundry, cook, mow the lawn, pack, sew, do the dishes, fix stuff around the house... the list is really endless. I think they get more done in one day then I got done all of my maternity leave.

And Leah is just loving having them around.. she lights up and smiles instantly when they come over to her.

So, I have no idea what it is like to have those bad in-laws so many people talk about.. because mine are AMAZING!!

Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa!!

All Dressed Up and No Place To Go