Saturday, October 27, 2012

9 Months Old

You have started to learn so many tricks this month. I'm still in shock that you are already 9 months old. Time is cruising by and you are cruising too so it's hard to catch you for a picture. Here's my struggle pics to get my favorite 9 month sticker picture below.

Here's what's new:
  • You love to eat! Your favorite part is when you can pick up the food yourself. You like your baby food but finger food is what makes you smile. You are still eating fruit and oatmeal in the morning; veggies and rice for lunch and now a meal type food for supper.
  • You always hold your own bottle now. You prefer it that way so you can put it in and out as you please. 
  • You still aren't good with your sippy cup, but I think it is mom and dad's fault because we haven't been very good about giving it to you.
  • Still just have your two bottom teeth.
  • You have learned SO many new tricks:
    • You clap
    • You put your hand over your mouth and say 'oh, oh, oh, oh'
    • Make a clicking noise
    • You can pull yourself up to standing all by yourself
    • You are getting good at taking steps
    • You are a very fast crawler now
    • You wave all the time 'hi'/'bye'
    • You like giving hugs -- SO cute!
    • And your favorite of all... giving hi 5's. You love it and it makes you giggle when mom gets excited over them 
  • I'm pretty sure I've heard you say "Ziggy" multiple times now. You love Ziggy! You like to give him treats and bones, crawl after him where ever he goes and give him hugs. He loves to give you kisses.
  • You've had a few nights this month that you have slept through the night... it's been awesome!
  • You had your first 4 days alone with dad while mom was on a work trip. Dad said you were better when mom wasn't around. I think it was mostly because you didn't do your screaming when mom leaves the room (lucky dad).
  • You had your first bad diaper rash. Yuck!
  • You know the word 'no' but you still do what you want anyway.
  • Your favorite toys are any kind of balls and getting pushed on your roller coaster car.
  • You love to take all your toys out of the basket and just leave them on the floor - not play with them, just take them out. 
  • You also love to drop things. You drop everything... then you have to go look for it and try to reach to get it. 
  • You are wearing clothes up to 12 months and size 3 diapers still.
  • Da Da is still your favorite word.
  • We can't imagine our life without you. You like things your way, are naughty on purpose and love to scream but we wouldn't have you any other way. Your smile lights up a room and your personality is all your own.  

8 Months Old:

 Our Big 9 Month Old:

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Blake!

A super special cutie is turning 2 today. Blake, you have such a wonderful, fun-loving personality. We love your huge smile and the smiles it brings to all of us.

I hope you had a blast at your Mickey Mouse birthday party yesterday and we can't wait to come and celebrate with you next weekend!

Love you!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Auntie Chas

I hope that you have a wonderful birthday Chas, because you are a very special aunt. You spoil me rotten. But it's not only with all the gifts but also with your time and attention. I love our time together on our evening walks with you, me and Ziggy. That alone has made moving into town totally worth it. Thanks for all the fun tricks you have taught me... the most recent being my clicking noise (which I love doing by the way.) I'm a super lucky girl to have you in my life.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Leah's First Pumpkin Patch

Leah got to experience her first Pumpkin Patch this year. The weather was perfect for a day at the farm and Leah had a great time with Paige and Parker. She wasn't overly smiley but I think it was because there was so much going on around her and she loves to watch everyone and take it all in. I'm sure this will be the first year of many pumpkin patch picture sessions to come :-)


Monday, October 8, 2012

It's Time For A Gate

It took about 2 days after I posted about Leah's army crawl that she was full on crawling. Now, she's all over the place and keeping mom and dad on their toes :-)



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Playing at the Park

We are making the most of these nice fall days.