Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Avery Turns 1

Our sweet niece Avery turned one and we all got to celebrate with a princess party for our little princess.

Hanging out at the party...

Our picnic lunch...

Playing with cousins...


Getting dressed and Jerit being goofy...

Time for gifts...

And now some yummy cake...

Jerit even got some time to go snowboarding int he back yard...

What a great birthday party for a perfect little girl. Thanks for letting us come and celebrate with you! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Big Girl

I think she looks like such a big girl in the first picture. Some days I just can't believe how quickly she is growing up!

And mom doesn't get many pictures with just Leah...


Of course, we love Leah's smiley face but it is true that that isn't her expression all the time. Figured, I document some of those 'other not so fun' moments...

And this one came from daycare one day... she was having a rough day!

Friday, February 15, 2013

I Love Spaghetti

These just make mom laugh. She was SO messy that night... but loved every minute of it.

Getting Into Everything

She knows what 'no' means but... that doesn't mean she listens. 

"Mom, you need this?"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Kisses & Hugs from our silly little ones...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

No More Bottles!

Last weekend we washed up all the bottles and packed them away.

So Leah is almost one week down with only a sippy cup and she is doing great!! It was much easier than I expected and luckily it didn't mess with our streak of sleeping through the night. We are on 10 days of full nights sleep and it's amazing.

Such a big girl now!

1 Year Stats/Doctor's Appointment

Still a healthy little girl... got her shots and the appointment went well. Doctor said she's still big but it's slowing down... and still proportional. Good news :-)

She was walking all over, impatiently waiting for the doctor:

Here are Leah's 1 year stats:

Wt for age - 22 lbs 2oz (80th percentile)
Ht - 2 feet 6 inches (84th percentile)
Head - 46.5cm (86th percentile)