Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter with the Bryan's

While our Easter plans did take an unpleasant turn with us not feeling well early in the weekend, we did still get to eat Easter supper on Sunday with the Bryan's on their way to back to the cities. Not the most traditional Easter supper but it sure was a good Space Alien's meal :-)

The kids also got to play some games and spend some time together and it ended up being a great day to go to Space Aliens because there was barely anyone else there.... all the games to ourselves!

Making sure Avery didn't fall...

Blowing kisses...

High 10 (?) - think that is the cheerleading move this is called??

 Our attempt at a picture of the cousins - unsuccessful

Easter Morning

Some snapshots on Easter morning before church... it was cold and windy outside, but they didn't mind!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
Love, Leah and the Easter Bunny

She's Got the Grove

One of Leah's favorite activities lately is dancing! She loves it and dances around the house frequently. Here's a short video clip (it's always hard to get a video because as soon as she sees the phone she starts to run over).

And some of my favorite pics...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Daddy's Project

While mommy and Leah weren't feeling so well over the Easter holiday, daddy used his open time and finished a project I have been begging for for quite some time... our kitchen back splash!

He did a great job and it turned out great! Thanks for finishing it Chad, it's awesome!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Leah loves wearing her shades (which is good because she has like 5 pairs of them). I'm amazed at how long she will leave them on walking around the house.

She sure thinks she is a 'cool girl'.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Desperate To Go Outside

Leah (like the rest of us) is wishing for spring! Daily she brings her hat and shoes over to go outside. Our solution has been opening the door and letting her walk out on the deck.

Let's hope spring comes soon because I'm not sure how long the deck will suffice her desperate need to get outside.


The gate is down an.d Leah is free!! She loves roaming around as she pleases. This is the first day the gate came down...

And about that same day she learned how to get up on the couch. She has no fear but hasn't fallen off of it... yet!

Friday, March 22, 2013


There has been a reason for my recent lack of blog posts and written blogs about Leah and here it is....

I finished putting together Leah's 1 Year blog book!! I created and ordered it from Blurb. It took about 20 hours (no lie) but I LOVE how it turned out, even the picture quality. 

It ended up being 180 pages long and when Chad saw it he thought it was somewhat excessive. But, it's hard for me to leave anything out, thinking of all the memories of our sweet little girl's first year of life. 

Of course Leah will not be able to touch it, maybe when she's 18.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Some days :-)

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Just another video to show the smooth moves of the Wixos/Dschaaks...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Love This Face!